Inventory & Warehouse Management Software
PHP STOCK provides an easy and efficient software solution for management of warehouse storage information regarding stock (inventory). We Provide different kinds of features like customers Inward, Outward, Production, Warehouse, Multi warehouse stock transfer and many more. These are manage easily.

PHP Stock For Cloud
PHP Stock Inventory & Warehouse Management software provides an easy and efficient software solution for cloud. The Benefits of cloud system you can access any time on any where on any device and your work do much more faster.
PHP Stock For Standalone
PHP Stock Inventory Management software provides an easy and efficient software solution for standalone system Means does not necessarily require network connection, you can work Offline.You Can Perform All Action On Your Stand alone system.

PHP Stock Key Features
Outward Management
To Create New Outward Based on Inward Entry and it’s very easily and fastly because it’s user interface very friendly’s and very easy to understand. Just enter basic information like party name, warehouse name and Items information. it will Automatic generate outward and it’s Gate Pass Entry.
Cloud vs. Standalone
Multiple User Access
PHP Stock Allow to Access to on Cloudy For Multiple User on a singal Portal
Single User Access
In Standalone System The Main User Only Access and Those username password authentication credentials.
Access On Multiple Device
PHP Stock Cloud Portal Access On Multiple Devices Device Mobile, DesktopPC, Laptop on Any Time Any Where Place.
Access On Single Device
In Stand Alone You Can Only Access only one Device which in Installed.
Access Throw Internet
PHP Stock is an cloud Based so you can acces any time any where place you must require Internet connection.
Without Internet
In Standalone System Does Not Internet Connection you Can store all Your Data in Your Disk.