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Multi-user GST Billing and Inventory System


PHPGST is an billing software specifically designed for businesses. It is a cloud and standalone based billing solution that lets you create invoices, receipts, expenses and manage inventory, helping you save time and manage finances efficiently.

PHP GST For Cloud

PHP GST Billing software For Cloud Based Portal To Access Any TIme Any Where On Multiple Devices Access And Perform processes accounting transactions various functional modules such as sales, receipt purchase, payment, account money transfer, Expense, general ledger and various reports sales summary, purchase summary, sales overdue, purchase overdue, account ledger GSTR1, stock reorder etc.

PHP GST For Standalone

PHP GST Billing software provide For Standalone Computers Means programs that can work offline, i.e. does not necessarily require network connection.You Can Perform All Action On Your Stand alone system.

PHPGST Billing Key Features

Billing & Invoicing

Invoice is a document indicating to deliver goods and Billing is a receipt of payment.Billing document includes – sales invoice.PHP GST allow to generate invoice with auto GST Tax Calculation.

Sales & Purchase Management

Be it purchase or sales orders, debit or credit amount, Approver & Purchase Your Item keep  up-to-date with PHPGST which tracks and manages the purchase and sales cycles completely.

Vendor Management

PHP GST ensure that all services, goods, supplies, and inventory needed for the organisation to operate are ordered and kept in stock, as well as control inventory levels and costs associated with purchasing the items.


GST Compliance

PHP GST Provide auto invoice Compliance functionality. GST compliance rating is a numerical score that measures how well your company adheres to GST rules. This score is on a scale of zero to 10, with 10 being the best and zero being the worst. According to the GST act, the government can assign a score to any registered taxpayer.

Auto GST Calculation

For any inter-state supply, tax to be paid is Integrated GST (IGST) which will have components of both CGST and SGST. In addition, certain categories of registered persons will be required to pay to the government account Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) and Tax Collected at Source (TCS).

Customer Management

PHP GST Billing software that customer manage all records and processes accounting transactions various functional modules such as sales, receipt purchase, payment, account money transfer, Expense, general ledger and various reports sales summary, purchase summary, sales overdue, purchase overdue, account ledger GSTR1, stock reorder etc.


PHP GST Allows to customise your default setting like set a invoice logo company name address on your bills.Customized is built specially for a definite purpose based on the needs. It’s flexible and can be altered according to the changing requirements, 


Income & Expense Grouping Accounting Ledgers Tax Heading Creations & Operations Bank & Cash Creation & Operations Income & Expense Recording.accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax collection entities.


Expence Management

Expense Grouping Accounting Ledgers Tax Heading Creations & Operations Bank & Cash Creation & Operations Income & Expense Recording.There are three major types of expenses we all pay: fixed, variable, and periodic.f general expenses include rent, utilities, postage, supplies and computer equipment.


All Types Of Reports

Improve your accounting reports by keeping all your transactions in the system, like sales summary, purchase summary, invoice, sales or purchase overdue reports.also you can exports in pdf or excel sheet.

Product Management

Work with PHPGST to create a detailed list of the products and services your organisation is dealing with and, update the list at your convenience.also track product details on purchase,sales of items.


Generate GSTR-1 forms

PHP GST Provides GST Return form GSTR-1 is a monthly or quarterly return that should be filed by every registered dealer. It contains details of all outward supplies i.e sales.


Stock Take and Monitoring

PHP GST  control to show how much stock you have at any one time, and how you keep track of it. It applies to every item you use to produce a product or service, from raw materials to finished goods.inventory typically involves goods in three stages of production: raw goods, in-progress goods, and finished goods that are ready for sale.


Data Export

PHPGST provides various types of reports Like Invoice, purchase, receipt, payment sales purchase summary,sales purchase overdue etc.you can easily export in excel or pdf file also you can copy or print those information. 

Responsive Design Support

PHP GST Made with User Interface Design.it display equally well in everything from widescreen monitors to mobile phones.


Cloud vs. Standalone


Multiple User Access

PHP GST Allow to Access to on Cloudy For Multiple User on a singal Portal.


Provide Customer Portal

PHP GST Cloud Portal Allow to thire Customer to access thire own Portal.


Access Throw Internet

PHP GST is an cloud Based so you can acces any time any where place you must require Internet connection.


Access On Multiple Device

PHP GST Cloud Portal Access On Multiple Devices Device Mobile, DesktopPC, Laptop on Any Time Any Where Place.


Single User Access

In Standalone System The Main User Only Access and Those username password authentication credentials.


Not Allow

In Standalone System Do Not Allow Customer Portal.                     


Without Internet

In Standalone System Does Not Internet Connection you Can store all Your Data in Your Disk.


Access On Single Device

In Stand Alone You Can Only Access only one Device which in Installed.

"Focus on growing your business, trust the accounting to us."

– Pritesh Patel

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